Some people may experience an increase in their bowel movements due to the increased fiber intake and the elimination of toxins, but this is generally beneficial to your overall health. But also take note that not everybody is the same and while most people would not experience anything, some could react differently (especially if they have ever had any plant sensitivity).
**If you are not sure if you are allergic to an ingredient, you may print off the label and ingredients list to show your doctor.

4.) What is the difference between the veggie and gelatin capsules?
Gelatin comes from animal source—veggie is from veggies.
The veggie caps are bigger and solid, harder to swallow. There have been a few cases where the veggie pills got stuck in the throat without enough water.
The gelatin capsules are definitely much easier to take. Completely your preference!
If you still want veggie, I would suggest opening them up and mixing with food. But since they do cost a little extra, I would just get the regular capsules since you would throw away the casing anyway.

5.) How does Skinny Fiber compare to other weight loss plans?
Skinny Fiber is not like any other weight loss product–no caffeine or other stimulants. No chemicals that can cause side effects.
SF first starts working on the issues that are slowing the metabolism down, by correcting the body naturally and preparing it for weight loss–that is done by the detox that takes place in the first few days or even weeks.
Few in detox may see bloating ,slight head ache or other mild detox effects…. this is temporary and passes in a week or so. The more off balance the body is, the longer it will take to see weight loss.
Have had several that said they began to notice the weight or inch loss at the very end of the first bottle— even a bit longer—depending on how toxic they may be, the meds they take and the way they eat.
-that is why we have the 30 and 90 day empty bottle guarantee!!! No other company lets ya try something for free!
Order yours at

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